AsianNewsCast   [頻道分析]
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As Taiwan approaches its presidential elections in January, the spotlight falls on candidates leanin. . .
The junta is increasing quotas this week for villagers to undergo military training in Ayeyarwaddy d. . .
U.S. President Joe Biden’s special envoy for North Korea human rights offered what appeared to be a . . .
The United States has accused the Chinese military of carrying out “a centralized and concerted camp. . .
Anti-junta protesters have returned to the streets of Myanmar’s Sagaing region, despite intense crac. . .
Chinese officials claimed that Hong Kong citizens have enjoyed increased fundamental rights and libe. . .
North Korea appears to have a military connection to Hamas, and weapons and tactics used in the Pale. . .
Cambodian environmental activists who petitioned the Ministry of Justice to be allowed to travel to . . .
China has banned the teaching and use of the Tibetan language at elementary and middle schools in tw. . .
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh pleaded with a visiting U.S. State Department official Tuesday to he. . .
The ruling Chinese Communist Party is stepping up its monitoring of citizens across the board, from . . .
The U.S. semiconductor industry has said new prohibitions on microchip exports to China may be “over. . .
Concerns are growing for the safety of Zeng Yuxuan, a doctoral student from mainland China found in . . .
The Philippine military chief accused China’s navy of “dangerously” shadowing a Philippine ship duri. . .
Villagers found six bodies after an attack in Sagaing region’s Yinmarbin township, residents told Ra. . .
Bui Tuan Lam, the Vietnamese activist known as ‘Onion Bae,’ has not been allowed to see his family s. . .
China’s third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) kicked off Tuesday in Beijing,. . .
Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair has accused China of conducting a “dangerous and reckless” inte. . .
The Marshall Islands, an archipelago in the militarily strategic western Pacific, on Monday signed a. . .
With Kim Jong Un escalating nuclear threats from the North, South Korea has found a cost-effective s. . .

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