tag_startrek   [頻道分析]
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Summary DS9's "If Wishes Were Horses" episode brought together the worlds of Star Tr. . .
Summary Star Trek Generations featured three versions of the USS Enterprise in different time peri. . .
Summary Spock and Chapel's romance was never fully explored in the Star Trek movies, leaving t. . .
Summary Star Trek: Voyager introduced Lt. B'Elanna Torres as the series' first female Chie. . .
Summary J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movies elevated the importance of Starfleet Academy in the fran. . .
Summary Jolene Blalock's belly button piercing caused a mishap during the filming of Star Trek. . .
Summary Mr. Kyle, played by John Winston, appeared in 11 episodes of Star Trek: TOS and made a cam. . .
Summary Walter Koenig criticizes Star Trek Generations for its treatment of Captain Kirk's dea. . .
Summary Sonequa Martin-Green is inspired by her character's sacrificial lifestyle and wants to. . .
WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4! Summary Star Trek: Lower Decks Seas. . .
Summary Kes and Seven of Nine could have coexisted, creating an interesting conflict and invigoratin. . .
Summary Enterprise's failure to live up to its promise was due to it becoming just another Sta. . .
Summary Santiago Cabrera played Captain Cristóbal Rios in the first two seasons of Star Tre. . .
Summary Major Kira Nerys was initially overlooked in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 1 but quick. . .
Summary Soji's abilities and potential make her a perfect candidate for Star Trek: Section 31.. . .
Summary Robert Duncan McNeill, who played Nicholas Locarno in "The First Duty" episode o. . .
Summary J.J. Abrams' Star Trek films influence the newer shows and are particularly influential . . .
Summary Morn, the beloved barfly in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, appeared in more episodes than Jake . . .
Summary William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy's 50-year friendship ended with an unresolved rift, . . .
Summary Patrick Stewart's directorial episodes of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" foc. . .

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