SuperHeroKing   [頻道分析]
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Following X-Men "97"s two-episode premiere on Disney+, when should fans expect Episode 3 and. . .
Marvel just confirmed what many expected about Ironheart’s connection to Tony Stark in the MCU. Riri. . .
Marvel Animation officially released the plot synopsis’ for every episode in X-Men ‘97’s Season 1. W. . .
Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra is set to release in 2025 on consoles, and gamers are eager to know which. . .
Marvel"s Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra video game will bring a talented cast of actors to play a gr. . .
X-Men ‘97 earned the highest honor Rotten Tomatoes (RT) has to give. Marvel Studios’ newest animated. . .
Marvel Studios" Deadpool & Wolverine will feature a huge cast of characters and actors, with. . .
X-Men "97 has re-introduced the Marvel superhero team to the world and the classic characters co. . .
After Marvel"s new X-Men "97 animated series was confirmed as a direct continuation of the &. . .
27 years after he was last seen in X-Men: The Animated Series, X-Men "97 heralds the return of o. . .
Marvel Studios may be scaling back its Disney+ slate, but two MCU shows are still confirmed to relea. . .
Marvel Studios gave Wolverine his first-ever official poster as he takes center stage in the new ani. . .
Marvel Studios officially revealed when the Netflix MCU seasons take place on the cinematic timeline. . .
Following the announcement of Madame Web"s online release date, fans have begun to wonder when t. . .
Kevin Feige, via one of the MCU"s biggest stars, just disappointed millions of fans by taking aw. . .
Ahead of the two-episode series premiere on Wednesday, March 20, the first critic reactions to Disne. . .
After parting ways with Jonathan Majors, Disney has officially abandoned the title of Avengers: The . . .
Many fans are excited to see Elden Henson"s return as Foggy Nelson in the MCU"s upcoming Dar. . .
LEGO is expected to release a variety of new Marvel sets this summer, spanning the best of the MCU a. . .
Disney officially confirmed six shows headed to its streaming service over the next couple years fro. . .

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