SuperHeroKing   [頻道分析]
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is filled with new and returning characters to end James Gunn"s i. . .
Obi-Wan Kenobi lived quite a lengthy and eventful life in the Star Wars universe. The man was actual. . .
New Marvel Studios: Legends episodes focused on the characters from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 a. . .
The first high-resolution look at Wolverine in X-Men ‘97 was revealed thanks to a piece of tie-in me. . .
To commemorate the 15th anniversary of both the first Iron Man movie and the dawn of the MCU, Disney. . .
Nick Fury star Samuel L. Jackson recently addressed how long he plans to keep playing his iconic rol. . .
According to the director of Marvel Studios" Secret Invasion, the series" MCU villain will b. . .
Marvel Studios almost introduced MODOK much earlier in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) before An. . .
According to a new rumor, Captain America: New World Order is about to get a name change.  Set to re. . .
Marvel Studios gave fans the best look yet at the MCU"s newest President of the United States in. . .
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 may be in the midst of its opening weekend, but the film has already . . .
While looking back through past MCU experiences, WandaVision leading actress Elizabeth Olsen recalle. . .
The Direct has six predictions for MCU movies that could feature Tom Hiddleston"s Loki in the re. . .
Fans have been waiting for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 going on six years now, but its many spoil. . .
A new clip from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 previewed Rocket Raccoon"s heartbreaking backstor. . .
According to a new report, Loki Season 2 might not be released on Disney+ until later than fans orig. . .
Marvel Studios just gave fans a look at the first official merchandise featuring Zawe Ashton"s v. . .
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will be bringing back a key Ant-Man actress in an unexpected way. Jud. . .
Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania"s streaming release on Disney+ managed to break a new MCU reco. . .
Pete Davidson is officially in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thanks to the release of the mega-franc. . .

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