Avengers: Kang Dynasty Actor Confirms 1 Unsurprising Hero Will Appear

SuperHeroKing | 檢舉 | 編輯 | 檢查 | | |
發表於 : 2022-11-11 01:16
A new hero confirmed their spot in Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, a movie that will undoubtedly have one of the biggest rosters to date.
While there are a ton of veteran characters who will certainly be returning, there"s also more than a handful of people who were only just added to the MCU. This includes heroes such as Tatiana Maslany"s She-Hulk, Iman Vellani"s Kamala Khan, and Dominque Thorne"s Riri Williams.
One of Phase 4"s biggest additions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe was Simu Liu"s Shang-Chi, who also happens to wield the Ten Rings. The last time audiences saw him, he had just informed Wong and Bruce Banner about his new fashion accessory.
However, since that moment, there hasn"t been a hint of where he"d go from there. Now, in a new interview, one of the hero"s next appearances was revealed.
Shang-Chi Confirmed for Kang Dynasty MarvelIn an interview with Comicbook.com, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings star Simu Liu commented on his Marvel future while also confirming his part in Avengers: The Kang Dynasty.
When discussing his excitement for Destin Daniel Cretton directing the fifth Avengers movie, the star noted how “[he] is so excited to get to work for him again” in relation to The Kang Dynasty.
Liu was then further questioned about his confirmation that Shang-Chi would be starring alongside the other Avengers. Will the star for sure be showing up? Liu seemed to backtrack, noting that "[he] would hope so:"
“I would think so...I would hope so. Don’t take my word for it.”
Liu should also theoretically be getting a sequel to his hit 2021 film, yet, no official title or date has been announced. The star revealed how "there"s going to be a sequel" and that "[he"d] make 40 of them if we could:"
“I think I know as much as anyone else, right? There’s going to be a sequel, I think that part was obvious but it was also made official... as far as when I think that’s just a question of timing and how well my back holds up through the years. I’ll make 40 of them if we can.”
The Future of Simu Liu"s MCU HeroIt is strange that Shang-Chi 2 has yet to be officially confirmed or put on Marvel"s future slate.
Simu Liu seems to think it"s happening, so when will it? Given how packed the Phase 5 and 6 line-ups are, it"s currently looking like 2025 would be the earliest possible time.
Shang-Chi"s next solo outing could take place in between Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars, theoretically dealing with the aftermath of Destin Daniel Cretton"s big crossover event. The project was previously rumored to release on February 14, 2025, but that date has since shifted to November 7 of the same year.
If it did manage to release before either Avengers film, then maybe a sequel would focus on where his Ten Rings came from and how they connect to the wider MCU, especially in relation to things like Kamala"s bangle, the Celestials, and Kang himself.
As for The Kang Dynasty itself, it is no surprise to learn that Liu will be coming back (or, at least, Liu"s confidence level in his return is high). Shang-Chi is a powerful new player in the MCU, not to mention his character is now the main player in it.
The biggest question would be: what"s he been up to since meeting up with Wong?
As for who may join him in the fight against Kang, it"s likely that names such as Ms. Marvel, America Chavez, and Captain Marvel. Both Hulks will probably return, as will, almost certainly, Anthony Mackie"s Captain America.
Seeing as the MCU is chock-full of characters, those are only a sliver of what will end up in the final movie.
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is now streaming on Disney+, while Avengers: The Kang Dynasty hits theaters on May 2, 2025.


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