Will Smith Joins James Gunn"s DC Universe In Green Lantern Fan Trailer

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發表於 : 2023-04-01 22:16
Will Smith joins James Gunn's DC Universe as John Stewart in a new Green Lantern fan-made trailer. A new DC Universe is on its way as the DCEU is closing out later this year. With Gunn and Peter Safran running DC Studios together, they are taking the DC brand in a new direction. The duo revealed in late January the first batch of projects in Chapter 1, "Gods and Monsters." More shows and films are expected to be announced later this year.
In an effort to create more connectivity, DC Universe will have series and films bridge with each other. One of the HBO Max series revealed was the Lanterns TV show, focusing on John Stewart and Hal Jordan.
While casting hasn't happened yet, fans are already imagining who will take on the iconic roles. Stryder HD recently released a Lanterns fan-made trailer showing Smith as John. Smith is no stranger to the DC realm, as he played Deadshot in David Ayer's Suicide Squad.


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