Deadpool Creator Finally Explains Cryptic Deadpool 3 Set Photo Tweet

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發表於 : 2023-06-08 00:16
Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld finally explains why he never came through on his Deadpool 3 set photo tweet. Wade Wilson is finally joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Deadpool 3 will officially integrate the iconic mutant into the Avengers-based franchise. This is the result of the X-Men film rights finally falling into Marvel Studios' ownership, with Deadpool seemingly the only character who gets to continue having a franchise in the MCU out of all the mutants from the 20th Century Fox era.
While principal photography is underway on Deadpool 3, a mystery has finally gotten solved that was initiated by Deadpool's own creator. On May 22, Liefeld tweeted that Deadpool 3 set photos were on their way, but then nothing happened for two weeks. However, in an interview with CinemaBlend, the comic book creator was directly asked what was going on with his teases about Deadpool 3 filming in May, and Liefeld gave the following explanation:
You know what? Fox and Disney aren't the same company, right? I guess I was thinking along the lines of, ‘This is 20 Century Fox! This is how they do things.’ And then I remembered, ‘Oh yeah, this is a whole new, um, (laugh), this is a whole new ballpark.


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