Marvel Reveals Exciting New Look at Emilia Clarke's MCU Character

SuperHeroKing | 檢舉 | 編輯 | 檢查 | | |
發表於 : 2023-05-27 04:16
A new trailer for Marvel Studios’ Secret Invasion gave fans a new  look at Emilia Clarke’s character.
Clarke, most famously known as Daenerys Targaryen on HBO’s Game of Thrones, is one of the highly anticipated MCU arrivals in recent years. Her character, G’iah, even got her own poster for the series.
The actress herself seems excited to be along for the ride. She recently teased that fans simply “can’t fathom” what the upcoming Disney+ show has in store for them.
New Look at Emilia Clarke in Secret Invasion Marvel StudiosA new teaser promoting three upcoming Disney+ projects included new footage of Emilia Clarke’s character in Secret Invasion.
The biggest point of note in the new footage is where Clarke’s G’iah, eyes closed, is surrounded by some mysterious energy in a technologically-advanced environment.
Marvel StudiosShe can also be seen entering a room with a bunch of glowing pods. It’s unclear what might be contained in them—though, given the show’s premise, it wouldn’t be surprising if it’s a bunch of Skrulls.
Marvel StudiosThe full teaser can be seen below, with that intriguing shot of Clarke coming at the :14 mark.
Super Skrulls in the MCU?One of the big rumors regarding Secret Invasion is how it’ll introduce Super-Skrulls to the MCU.
In Marvel Comics, they’re elite members of the shape-changing race who are given superpowers. The most famous of their kind is Kl’rt, who wields the same four abilities as the Fantastic Four.
Many fans think that Kingsley Ben-Adir can be seen utilizing Groot-like abilities in previous footage.
Could this new footage tease Emilia Clarke’s G’iah becoming a Super-Skrull herself? That would be quite the twist and an interesting wrinkle to the story.
With the show right around the corner, fans won’t have to wait too long to find out.
Secret Invasion hits Disney+ on Wednesday, June 21.


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