Payback for Overbay with Fenway double

發表於 : 2014-08-19 11:10
BOSTON--Lyle Overbay watched the Red Sox receive their championship rings, knowing how close he came to getting one.

Then he got back at the team that released him five days before the start of last season, hitting a tiebreaking double in the ninth inning of the first game at Fenway Park since Boston won the World Series last October.

That sparked a four-run inning against Edward Mujica that lifted the Milwaukee Brewers to a 6-2 win Friday.

Khris Davis doubled off Mujica (0-1), who made his Boston debut, and took third when Scooter Gennett reached on a sacrifice bunt. Overbay doubled to right for a 4-2 lead, advanced on the throw and scored on Carlos Gomez"s fourth single of the game. Aramis Ramirez added an RBI single.

Brandon Kintzler (1-0) pitched a scoreless inning for the win, and Francisco Rodriguez pitched the ninth in a non-save situation.

Tigers 10, Orioles 4 Miguel Cabrera homered in eighth inning for his 2,000th career hit.


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