The Marvels" Rumored Secret Character Would Obliterate The Avengers" Power Ranking

  • The upcoming film "The Marvels" has the potential to introduce a new superhero, Binary, who could drastically change the power dynamics of the MCU.
  • Binary, known for her immense cosmic powers, has the ability to tap into the energy of a White Hole, making her one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Comics universe.
  • If Binary is indeed introduced in "The Marvels" and later joins the battle against Kang the Conqueror, she would be a significant asset to the MCU and could potentially rival characters like Thanos and the Super Skrull.
One new rumored superhero, who may be involved in Marvel Studios' upcoming The Marvels, has the opportunity to significantly change the power rankings of the MCU. After first being announced by Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige in 2019, Nia DaCosta's The Marvels is finally set to release on November 10, 2023, reintroducing Brie Larson's Carol Danvers, Teyonah Parris' Monica Rambeau, and Iman Vellani's Kamala Khan to the MCU. As the sequel to 2019's Captain Marvel, The Marvels is expected to expand on the cosmic stories of the MCU, introducing new extraterrestrial threats and possibly new superheroes who may be more powerful than any character previously seen in the live-action franchise.
The Marvels will bring together Danvers' Captain Marvel, Rambeau's Photon, and Khan's Ms. Marvel, who find themselves entangled by Zawe Ashton's villainous Dar-Benn. This won't be the only threat the trio - who will also be joined by Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury following his stint in Secret Invasion - will face, however, as they will also be dealing with the destabilization of the universe, which is suspected to see them come face-to-face with multiversal heroes. Although this is currently speculation, a recent teaser for The Marvels may have added fuel to the fire, as viewers believe they've spotted the superhero costume of an immensely powerful character from Marvel Comics.
Marvel Fans Think Binary Will Appear In The Marvels Close In Marvel Comics, Carol Danvers transformed into Binary after being experimented on by a species known as the Brood. This experimentation allowed her to tap into the unkempt power of a White Hole after she physically merged with the fabric of the universe itself, giving her unlimited access to cosmic energies, including light, heat, and radiation. This gave her the freedom to explore the cosmos without any armor - an ability that the MCU's Captain Marvel has already showcased - but increased her power to the extreme. This could have huge repercussions for the MCU, as fans believe they've spotted Binary's white-and-red costume in The Marvels' new teaser.
The trailer notes that The Marvels will explore what happens when one reality bleeds into another, which sounds eerily like the incursions that Reed Richards mentioned in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. This means that Binary may be a superhero from another universe, with some suggesting the hero could be a variant of Carol Danvers, a variant of Monica Rambeau, or the version of Maria Rambeau's Captain Marvel from Multiverse of Madness - should she be confirmed to have survived. Binary's introduction in The Marvels would seriously alter the shape of the MCU going forward, introducing yet another hero with incomparable power to the franchise.
Why Binary Would Be The MCU's Most Powerful Avenger Carol Danvers' ability to tap into the power of a White Hole when she operates as Binary means she has an almost incomprehensible level of power. For the MCU, since Danvers has already shown off some of Binary's comic powers as Captain Marvel, these abilities will likely be made even stronger. Not only does Binary have enough power to rival Thanos with a completed Infinity Gauntlet, but she could also go toe-to-toe with Secret Invasion's Super Skrull G'iah, one of the MCU's strongest new heroes. If Binary joins the battle against Kang the Conqueror in the Multiverse Saga following The Marvels, she will be a huge asset to the MCU.
Key Release Dates
  • Marvels Release Date: 2023-11-10
  • Deadpool & Wolverine Release Date: 2024-07-26
  • Captain America: Brave New World Release Date: 2025-02-14
  • Marvel's Thunderbolts Release Date: 2025-05-02
  • Blade (2025) Release Date: 2025-11-07
  • Marvel's Fantastic Four Release Date: 2025-07-25
  • Avengers: The Kang Dynasty Release Date: 2026-05-01
  • Avengers: Secret Wars Release Date: 2027-05-07


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