New York Comic Con is occurring this weekend, where interviews with the cast and crew of the DC Univ. . .
Marvel and LEGO have announced a new Marvel X-Men: The X-Mansion set that brings X-Men "97"s. . .
Agatha All Along revealed many details about the fallout of WandaVision, but one has reframed Wanda’. . .
Fans on social media have come up with the perfect recast for a comic-accurate short Wolverine in th. . .
This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more inf. . .
With the show pulling in impressive ratings and viewer numbers, The Penguin star Colin Farrell has s. . .
Marvel Kills 4 Agatha Theories - Including The Huge Scarlet Witch One We All Fell For
There is still no set project for the DC Universe to debut its version of Wonder Woman, but the fran. . .
This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more inf. . .
Warning: This article contains spoilers for Agatha All Along episode 6, "Familiar By Thy Side.&#. . .
Tom Holland has revealed what he would love to do if Miles Morales got to join his Spider-Man movies. . .
寒露剛過,天氣漸冷,有的人已經換上秋裝,有的人仍穿著單衣單褲,堅持「秋凍」! 雖說「春捂秋凍 不生雜病」,但「秋凍」也要講究科學,盲目「求凍」,小心「雜病」找上門... 怎樣「秋凍」才正確? 「秋凍」. . .
Superman & Lois season 4 has managed to perfect the DC show"s equivalent of the MCU"s Ki. . .
WARNING: This article includes SPOILERS from Superman & Lois season 4, episode 3.Lex Luthor acto. . .
This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more inf. . .
Tom Holland has read the Spider-Man 4 script, and the actor has shared his reaction to the Marvel Ci. . .
Warning: This article contains spoilers for Agatha All Along episode 6, "Familiar By Thy Side.&#. . .
The Penguin significantly changed the comic book origins of a Batman villain, and it"s all the b. . .
Keanu Reeves" perfect Marvel Cinematic Universe role could come through the X-Men reboot, and th. . .
上次已經夠抵,今次再減! 航空公司:大灣區航空(HB) 航線:德島(TKS) 來回連稅價錢:HK$1,625起 參考航班時間(逢一、三、六): 香港/德島 1050/1520 德島/香港 1620. . .
Scarlett Johansson was recently revealed to have returned for a Marvel Cinematic Universe project, a. . .
在台灣有各種信仰並存,除了帶給大家心靈的慰藉,有些人更會希望靠著信仰,讓身體的狀況也得到緩解,其中已經上市的企業恆誼化工,何姓董事長跟老婆,長期信奉位於苗栗圓明禪院的傳放法師,平常會來這間道場修行、禮. . .
老吳家裡冰箱裡的凍肉已經存了很久。上個月,老吳收拾冰箱時發現一塊包裝完好的豬肉,上面的日期顯示,這塊肉已經在冷凍室裡待了一整年。 他把肉拿出來,看上去沒什麼問題,顏色也挺正常,但心裡犯嘀咕:「這凍了一. . .
消費者注意!消費者文教基金會8日發布水產檢測結果,參考歐盟作法隨機購樣黃魚、午魚及鱸魚共25件,結果有2件驗出「動物用藥殘留標準」未核准用於水產的殺菌劑、抗生素,北中南六都的傳統市場淪陷,連家樂福、愛. . .
「醫生,經常吃洋蔥真的可以起到降低血脂的作用嗎?」 今天去查房的時候,有個病人跟我說,他最近在瀏覽網頁的時候,看到有一些「專家」認為經常吃洋蔥能起到降低血脂的作用。考慮到自己血脂有點高,但是又不知道洋. . .
夜深人靜,窗外燈光逐漸熄滅,手機屏幕卻依然亮起,很多人習慣睡前滑手機,看看新聞、追追劇、或者刷刷社群媒體。你是否感覺早上起床時睛乾澀?是否發現越來越難入睡?你有沒有意識到,這個習慣正在悄悄對你的健康、. . .
你晚上睡覺關臥室門嗎? 很多朋友對此持有不同的看法,有人認為關門才有安全感,有人認為開門才能保持空氣的流通,對身體好。 那麼,哪一種說法對呢?從堪輿學的角度來說,應該關門還是開門呢?今天就來給大家分析. . .
Before joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sebastian Stan was very close to being cast as an icon. . .
Kyle Chandler and Aaron Pierre"s Hal Jordan and John Stewart castings get imagined through reali. . .
This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more inf. . .
Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for The Penguin DC’s The Penguin features the villain prota. . .
Vincent D"Onofrio will return to his iconic Kingpin role for Daredevil: Born Again. The series w. . .
去沖繩除咗快運,仲有港航揀呀! 航空公司:香港航空(HX) 航線:沖繩(OKA) 來回連稅價錢: HK$1,172起(不包寄艙行李,包20kg寄艙行李HK$1,636起) 參考航班時間: 香港/沖繩. . .
UO呢幾日無出優惠(估計係宣傳上要讓路俾阿媽國泰出Aria Suite),咁我地自己搵囉~ 航空公司:香港快運航空(UO) 航點:高雄(KHH) 來回連稅價錢(只包隨身物品,不可用座位上方行李架): . . .
終於有減!唔使捱早或者凌晨機啦! 航空公司:國泰航空(CX) 航線:檳城(PEN) 來回連稅價錢:HK$2,132起 平飛日子(視乎供應): 10月22、28、29、31日; 11月1、2、4至19. . .
Warning! This article contains spoilers for Agatha All Along episode 6 Agatha All Along episode . . .
Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Agatha All Along episode 6Agatha All Along episode 6 featur. . .
首爾價格戰持續,傳統航空都要劈價啦! 航空公司:韓亞航空(OZ) 航線:首爾仁川(ICN) 來回連稅價錢:HK$1,927起(包23kg行李寄艙) 平飛日子(視乎供應): 10月23、24、29日;. . .
Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for The Penguin episode 4.HBO"s The Penguin is a hit with f. . .
Agatha All Along episode 6 reveals Billy Maximoff"s origins in the MCU by tying the show even cl. . .

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