The MCU Still Cannot Escape The Infinity Stones, Even In Phase 5

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發表於 : 2023-04-02 04:16
A new character revealed for What If...? season 2 proves that the MCU still can't escape from the Infinity Stones. Several projects in the MCU's Infinity Saga dealt with the importance of the Infinity Stones, culminating in Thanos collecting all six in Avengers: Infinity War and snapping his fingers to erase half of the population of the universe. While Avengers: Endgame saw the Infinity Stones destroyed and their replacements returned to their original timelines, one corner of the MCU's Multiverse Saga has presented new stories featuring the cosmic gems, and this is set to continue during Phases 5 and 6.
Marvel Studios' What If...? premiered as part of the MCU's Phase 4, providing an insight into alternate realities across the multiverse. Jeffrey Wright voiced the Watcher, an omniscient being who observed action unfold in a variety of new universes, including seeing the rise of Captain Carter instead of Captain America, the destruction of a universe by Strange Supreme, and a world infested by Quantum Virus zombies. Along with adding twists to established MCU storylines, What If...? is set to expand in future seasons, which includes introducing MCU original characters such as Kahhori, a young Mohawk woman who discovers yet another Infinity Stone.


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