The Batman 2 Secretly Teased A More Comic-Accurate Version Of Riddler

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發表於 : 2023-04-02 03:16
The Batman: Part II has the opportunity to introduce a very different, and quite exciting, version of the Riddler. Paul Dano's villain proved to be a highlight of The Batman as the film's main antagonist, stringing the titular superhero along with a series of puzzles and riddles that uncovered the corruption behind Gotham City's wealthy elite. While the version of the Riddler depicted in Matt Reeves's hit film was reimagined as a more modern character stripped of the frills and energy of his comic book counterpart, his potential return in the highly-anticipated sequel could see a more comics-accurate Riddler put to screen.
As a part of the DCU's new Elseworlds plan, The Batman: Part II will officially coexist alongside James Gunn's new cinematic universe, apparently unaffected by the recent shakeups at DC Studios. While there may have been some fear that Matt Reeves's hit franchise would be scrapped in favor of a more streamlined DCU, this no longer appears to be a threat as the sequel is believed to start filming as early as the Fall of this year ahead of an October 2025 release date. With The Batman's sequel officially in the works, the franchise is beginning to form as the Caped Crusader and his iconic Rogues Gallery take shape.
The Riddler's Arrest Frees Him To Adapt His Comics Persona Paul Dano's Riddler was a realistic supervillain in The Batman, but his arrest at the end of the film may allow for the character to take a somewhat lighter tone that could fall more in line with his comic persona. The comic book version of the Riddler is decidedly campier than most of his live-action adaptations, sporting bright colors and spouting various jokes and riddles to stump his superheroic nemesis. Now that Edward Nashton has been revealed as the Riddler after the events of The Batman, he is no longer forced to hide behind a mask but is instead free to display his twisted mind for all to see.
Free from his cling wrap mask, the Riddler is not only free to adorn himself in the signature greens and purples of his comic book counterpart but can also now reinvent his supervillain alter-ego as he sees fit. Having garnered a large following in his original exploits, Nashton could adopt a more colorful, wild, and unhinged persona to attract an even broader appeal. The Riddler's sudden shift could come from years of observing his new friend, the Joker, who was shown greeting Nashton after his arrest in The Batman. The Joker, who is known for his zany antics and larger-than-life personality, is the perfect template for the Riddler's new persona.


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