The Batman 2 Including Robin Would Make A Bruce Wayne Complaint Even Worse

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發表於 : 2023-06-07 22:16
The Batman’s title character is in his first years of crime-fighting in the streets of Gotham City, meaning that he’s currently working alone, but The Batman – Part II might see Robert Pattinson’s Batman working alongside a young Robin, and that would make a common Bruce Wayne complaint even worse due to this universe's tone. While the DCEU is not over just yet with its version of Batman, another one has already taken off in another part of the DC Universe thanks to Matt Reeves’ The Batman, a darker, more grounded, but also more violent version of the Caped Crusader that showed a side of the character that hasn’t been seen often on the big screen.
The Batman followed the title character, who is just in his second year as Batman, as he teamed up with James Gordon and the Gotham City Police Department to catch a serial killer known as The Riddler, while Batman also delved into Gotham’s criminal underworld, meeting Carmine Falcone, Oswald Cobblepot a.k.a. Penguin, and Selina Kyle. The Riddler’s plans of destroying Gotham were mainly successful as he triggered a flood that severely damaged the city and directly affected many citizens. Batman was seen aiding recovery efforts, which made him change his perspective on what the city really needs, which along with a scene earlier on in the movie, has made viewers believe The Batman 2 could see Pattinson’s Dark Knight accompanied by a new version of Robin, but that would make a Bruce Wayne complaint a lot worse, especially in Reeves’ universe.


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