Over the years, both Marvel and DC have had their fair share of incredible villains appear in variou. . .
Tom Hanks expressed a desire to play a role in a Batman movie 11 years ago and the current state of . . .
I know which Marvel Comics storyline the MCU should adapt after The Fantastic Four: First Steps to b. . .
Marvel"s Armor Wars movie can put a confusing Iron Man 2 mystery to rest by turning a forgotten . . .
The best Superman movie action scene just keeps getting better as the years pass, and after recently. . .
Henry Cavill"s appearance in Deadpool & Wolverine was brilliant, but Marvel Studios missed a. . .
Across the many iterations of the DC Universe, there are many scenes that can be argued to have fit . . .
Fan-casts for Ghost Rider in the MCU have been rife, and Keanu Reeves has emerged as a favorite, but. . .
A new concept poster for The Fantastic Four: First Steps pits Robert Downey Jr."s Doctor Doom ag. . .
This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more inf. . .
This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more inf. . .
The debut of Lady Death in Agatha All Along answers a major 8-year-old MCU mystery in a shocking new. . .
Captain America: Brave New World"s pre-sales received an update that shows how the movie compare. . .
Close to a full decade after its release, I still can"t get over the original Deadpool movie". . .
James Gunn gives a new clarification on what is regarded as canon to the DC Universe from the old DC. . .
嘩,減到咁平?! 航空公司:香港航空(HX) 航線:台北(TPE) 來回連稅價錢: HK$1,014起(包20kg寄艙行李) 參考航班時間: 香港/台北 0905/1055 或 1245/1445 . . .
Plenty of movie superhero characters have been remembered for decades and will be remembered for dec. . .
Jason Momoa will soon be debuting as Lobo in James Gunn and Peter Safran"s rebooted DC Universe,. . .
Robert Pattinson"s Batman joining the new DC Universe is not the best scenario for the Dark Knig. . .
While I"m very excited about the upcoming release of Daredevil: Born Again, I"m confused abo. . .
The DCU is secretly already making up for 2011"s infamous movie flop via the controversial intro. . .
Jenna Ortega co-stars with Tom Holland"s Spider-Man in a new MCU solo movie in fan-made concept . . .
The DCEU"s highest-grossing movie, James Wan"s Aquaman, is still an impressive achievement o. . .
By returning to the MCU in 2026"s upcoming Vision series, one unexpected Iron Man actor will bre. . .
A decade later, I still haven"t got over just how brutally one MCU hero is beaten by their nemes. . .
Following the release of the Daredevil: Born Again poster, Andrew Garfield"s The Amazing Spider-. . .
Spider-Noir resumes production on Nicolas Cage"s Marvel TV show, as new set photos have emerged . . .
Spider-Man 4 is one of my most anticipated Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, and it might be better . . .
優惠延長咗,上次miss咗嘅朋友有機會入手啦! 航空公司:卡塔爾航空(QR) 各航點來回連稅價: 雅典(ATH)HK$4,782起 伊斯坦堡(IST)HK$4,789起 羅馬(FCO)HK$5,186. . .
The Arrowverse"s Grant Gustin is the best actor to make The Flash popular in the new DC Universe. . .
This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more inf. . .
Daredevil: Born Again is already a record-breaker for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the anticip. . .
Charlie Cox has revealed which DC Universe role he"d want to take on after playing Matt Murdock . . .
痴線!減價減到咁?! 航空公司:大灣區航空(HB) 各航點來回連稅價錢(已包20kg行李):HK$1,275起 參考航班時間(逢日、二、四): 香港/米子 1055/1520 米子/香港 1620. . .
去台北覺得酒店好貴?原來一次過book埋酒店都可以好抵玩! 以3月21日出發,3月25回程(5日4夜)週末快閃為例,每位來回機票+4晚住宿全包價最平只係HK$1,485起! 航空公司:香港航空(HX. . .
It turns out that The Penguin"s Dr. Julian Rush isn"t the Scarecrow of Matt Reeves" Batm. . .
Daredevil Star Charlie Cox Addresses Netflix Series" Cancellation, Teases How Long He"ll Pla. . .
For Captain America: Brave New World actor Anthony Mackie, getting into character is serious busines. . .
There are nine significant storylines in Gotham that ultimately went nowhere, leaving some unanswere. . .
I might have been initially apprehensive about Chris Evans" return, but after reflecting on how . . .

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