New 'Across the Spider-Verse' Trailer Gets Imminent Release Date (Report)

SuperHeroKing | 檢舉 | 編輯 | 檢查 | | |
發表於 : 2023-04-02 04:16
As Sony Pictures prepares to release its next animated Spider-Man movie, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, its newest trailer was confirmed to debut in the coming days.
Only a couple of months remain until Across the Spider-Verse hits theaters, following a couple of years of delays as it continues Miles Morales" story from 2018"s wildly successful Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
With new cast members still being revealed, anticipation is building to see what Sony has in store for Miles as he jumps headfirst into other dimensions for the first time.
And as the sequel"s release date gets closer, expectations are rising for a new trailer to make its way to the public eye, particularly with reports noting how many changes have hit Across the Spider-Verse at the last second.
New Across the Spider-Verse Trailer On the Way MarvelScooper Daniel Richtman revealed on his Patreon page that Sony Pictures will release the new trailer for the upcoming Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse on Monday, April 3.
It"s unknown when exactly the trailer will air on Monday. While there"s a chance it may debut at night during the highly-anticipated NCAA Men"s March Madness championship game, it may be unlikely due to the fact that CBS is owned by Paramount.
This will also be the first full new trailer for Across the Spider-Verse since the first full look from December 2022.
What Will New Spider-Verse Trailer Show?The first trailer for Across the Spider-Verse from December gave fans an in-depth look at just how wild the Multiverse truly is, with over two dozen heroes and villains showing up on screen alongside Shamiek Moore"s Miles Morales.
Now, with minor plot details having made their way online over the past few months, fans will be anxious to find out more about the direction Sony is taking for the sequel"s story.
Coming only a couple of months before the Spider-Verse follow-up hits the big screen, Sony should have at least a couple of teases and surprises in store with this new look, potentially revealing more details about individual characters along with the adventure as a whole.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is set to premiere in theaters on June 2.


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