Hulu Will Terminate Marvel Branding of Upcoming Release (Report)

SuperHeroKing | 檢舉 | 編輯 | 檢查 | | |
發表於 : 2023-02-03 02:16
After other cancelations of series that lived on Hulu, the streaming giant gave one of its non-MCU shows a renewal for a second season, but with a unique twist.
Marvel Hulu Show Survives for Season 2... Sort Of HuluDeadline revealed that Hulu has renewed the animated Marvel series Hit-Monkey for a second season on the streaming service. This comes as a surprising move, as the show was not expected to continue after sister-series, MODOK was canceled after only one season.
But while the show was renewed for a second season, it will have a different feel when it returns.
The Hollywood Reporter noted that Hit-Monkey will now no longer carry the Marvel branding, simply being promoted as a Hulu show with no connection to its Marvel Comics roots.
Season 2 will now follow two of the show"s leading characters, Jason Sudeikis" Bryce and Fred Tatasciore"s Hit-Monkey to New York City. 
Ghostbusters and Saturday Night Live star Leslie Jones will also join the cast in an undisclosed role.
This story is developing. Check back for updates!


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