Disney Just Recreated Avengers: Endgame Portals Scene at California Adventure (Photos)

SuperHeroKing | 檢舉 | 編輯 | 檢查 | | |
發表於 : 2023-01-30 13:16
Disney included a new version of the Avengers: Endgame portals scene in of its new nighttime 100th anniversary shows at Disney California Adventure.
Not only is the portals sequence from 2019"s Avengers: Endgame one of the most powerful moments in MCU history, but it"s also one of the biggest crowd-pleasing scenes in the recent history of cinema. 
In recent years, the Disney Parks have become a new medium to not only experience the MCU but also celebrate it.
And now, for the launch of Disney"s 100th Anniversary, Disney California Adventure at the Disneyland Resort found a way for audiences to witness Endgame"s biggest moment night after night. 
Disney Celebrates Anniversary with Avengers: Endgame Portals MarvelAs shared by Marvel, on January 27, World of Color - ONE made its official debut at Disney California Adventure which included a recreation of the portals sequence from Avengers: Endgame.
World of Color - ONE is the Disneyland Resort"s latest incarnation of its nighttime light and fountain show which also utilizes massive water screens, fog, geysers, and fire. 
Following show segments inspired by Pixar"s Soul, The Lion King, Moana, and Star Wars, a series of Doctor Strange"s flickering portals begin to form on the show"s massive water screens and even on the park"s 150-foot fun wheel in the background. 
After audiences hear Sam Wilson"s "On your left," Alan Silvestri"s Avengers score begins to swell and a number of MCU heroes appear through the portals, including Steven Rogers" Captain America who throws his shield towards the stands. 
DisneyThe scene goes on to highlight other Endgame characters, such as Black Panther complete with audio of the late Chadwick Boseman"s battle cry of "Wakanda Forever!"
Laughing PlaceSpider-Man, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, and Hulk also receive individual moments, climaxing in one last group ensemble before Thor brings it to a close with lightning effects from Mjolnir. 
Laughing PlaceAccording to Disney Live Entertainment producer Jennifer Magill, ""Avengers Assemble" is, in a way, the essence" of this new show:"
"For World of Color - ONE, the Avengers were a natural fit for the story we are telling. The whole concept of “Avengers Assemble” is, in a way, the essence of our show’s theme. One drop can create a ripple, and the strength of many drops can create a wave of change."
In deciding how to incorporate the MCU roster into the show, Magill explained that the Endgame portals were "iconic entrances" that "could translate into our world:"
"As we worked to figure out how to introduce the Avengers section, we quickly realized that the portals were such iconic entrances and something we could translate into our world perfectly. Our design team had so much fun using lighting, lasers, and fountains in new ways to introduce our Avenger heroes."
Watch the Avengers Assemble Again Laughing PlaceSince this nighttime show was created for Disney"s 100th Anniversary, not only does it make sense for the show to celebrate one of the Walt Disney Company"s current blockbuster franchises, but also one of its most historic moments. 
It"s also a natural fit given that Avengers Campus and its various MCU attractions and experiences sit next to World of Color - ONE"s corner of the park. 
Now, while it"s true that the show focuses on Avengers: Endgame, it does include a few other MCU moments and heroes, such as Vision, the Guardians of the Galaxy team from Vol. 2, and even Hawkeye"s Kate Bishop.
Speaking of which, Disney has noted that the show"s art style - and particularly the Hawkeye sequence - is inspired by Black Panther and Hawkeye"s end credit sequences on Disney+. 
World of Color - ONE is now being shown (weather permitting) at Disney California Adventure. Avengers: Endgame is streaming on Disney+.


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