Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Secretly Set Up 40 Potential Recruits To Rey"s New Jedi Order

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發表於 : 2023-11-24 23:16
  • Finn's Force-sensitivity explains his defection from the First Order and makes him a potential Jedi recruit for Rey's new Jedi Order in Episode IX.
  • Company 77, led by Jannah, are former stormtroopers who defected due to their innate desire to do good, making them ideal candidates to become Jedi.
  • Jannah, a natural-born leader with a connection to the Force, has the potential to be either Rey or Finn's apprentice in the new Jedi Order movie. Naomi Ackie's return would be an exciting opportunity to explore her character further.
It turns out Star Wars may have already established at least forty of Rey's potential recruits for her new Jedi Order in Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker. The events following the return of Emperor Palpatine in the ninth and final Skywalker saga movie were incredibly hectic, leading the Resistance heroes across the galaxy - from Ajan Kloss to Pasaana and Kijimi, and eventually to Kef Bir, the ocean moon of Endor. It was here that Rey, Finn, Poe, and Chewbacca found the wreckage of the second Death Star, and also where they met Jannah and her compatriots.
Jannah, as Finn learned while repairing the Millennium Falcon with her, is another First Order stormtrooper who defected along with her entire company, Company 77. Jannah says the entire company refused to fire upon citizens as they were ordered to, and they took the cruiser they were assigned to as they defected. This led them to Kef Bir, Finn, and the Resistance, where they would ride horseback in the Battle of Exegol. After being a large part of the Resistance's ultimate victory, however, Company 77's fate is unknown - and it seems they could possibly go to Rey Skywalker.


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