tag_starwar   [頻道分析]
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Summary The Silentium, an ancient and mysterious droid species, worship prime numbers and hold geom. . .
Summary Stormtroopers are iconic characters in Star Wars, with various types existing throughout the. . .
Summary Anakin's Force Ghost confirms that Ahsoka is on the right path and no longer needs his. . .
Summary Ahsoka introduced a new galaxy, allowing for new characters, locations, and wars in future S. . .
Summary Chewbacca's first adventure was likely fighting against the Trade Federation's rep. . .
Summary Obi-Wan's choice to take Luke to Tatooine demonstrated his belief that Luke was destin. . .
Summary Luke Skywalker owned three different lightsabers over the course of Star Wars canon, makin. . .
Summary Leia's story in Star Wars Legends is intense and differs greatly from her portrayal in. . .
Summary Both Rogue One and Solo end in the exact same way, with both featuring shots of characters. . .
Summary The cancellation of "Rangers of the New Republic" has resulted in its storylines. . .
Summary Ahsoka undergoes a powerful transformation inspired by Gandalf, becoming Ahsoka the White . . .
Summary Disney has introduced 7 new types of lightsabers, almost doubling the amount from before the. . .
Summary Sabine heard Ezra's voice calling to her in a dream in Ahsoka episode 1. The Great M. . .
Summary "The Sin" episode sets up the father-son bond between Din Djarin and Grogu and s. . .
Summary Voice-actors from Star Wars Rebels were devastated by the death of Freddie Prinze Jr.'. . .
Summary Star Wars Rebels voice actor Vanessa Marshall expressed interest in portraying Legends cha. . .
Summary Star Wars has retconned the origin of the Jedi Order, giving James Mangold creative freedo. . .
Summary The iconic opening crawl in Star Wars movies could potentially fix continuity mistakes in . . .
Summary George Lucas envisioned faster Resistance ships, not slow-moving bombers like in The Last Je. . .
Summary Ahsoka Tano has one of the most compelling character arcs in the Star Wars franchise, tran. . .

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