"I Wanna Capture That Joy": Taika Waititi Explains Why His Star Wars Movie Is Taking So Long

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發表於 : 2023-11-26 05:16
  • Taika Waititi wants to take his time and get his Star Wars movie right, aiming to capture the joy of the original trilogy.
  • Waititi's film remains a mystery, with little information available about its premise or plot.
  • He plans to bring something new and meaningful to the Star Wars universe, expanding it further.
Taika Waititi explains why his Star Wars film is taking so long to develop. Waititi is a filmmaker and actor who has numerous prestigious accolades under his belt. He is best known for directing JoJo Rabbit, Thor: Ragnarok, and Thor: Love and Thunder, as well as for co-creating and producing Reservation Dogs. Waititi entered the Star Wars universe when he directed The Mandalorian season 1 finale and voiced IG-11 in the series. He was soon confirmed to be making his own Star Wars film, though updates have been few and far between.
While appearing on The Kelly Clarkson Show, Waititi addressed why his Star Wars movie is taking so long to make.
Waititi explained that he was simply trying to do the film right. He's doing a bit more than trying to make the film right, though, as he expressed a desire to recapture the joy of the original trilogy. To pull off this feat, he must take his time on the next movie. Check out his statement below:
I’ve been developing [the Star Wars film] for a few years, but I think with any film, but that one in particular, it’s something I’d really like to get right so I don’t want to rush it. It’s going to bubble along on the side. I wanna capture that joy and entertainment of those early ones like The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi and all those ones, so I’m trying to figure that out. It’ll happen.
Taika Waititi's Star Wars Movie Is Still A Mystery Having a director as prominent as Waititi at the helm of a new live-action Star Wars film has raised excitement and questions. After all, it has been several years since the franchise released a new live-action movie. Unfortunately, Waititi's film is the one upcoming Star Wars project that has remained the most mysterious.
It was recently announced that James Mangold was directing a Star Wars film about the origins of the Jedi, Dave Filoni is helming a project that will tie up The Mandalorian and its spinoffs, and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is making a movie continuing Rey's (Daisy Ridley) story. There is also a Lando film and Patty Jenkin's Rogue Squadron in development. However, that leaves Waititi's movie and a Shawn Levy-directed Star Wars movie with mysterious premises. All that is known is that they can rule out the above premises already in development.


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