Funko Reveals Historic Marvel Figure for Tom Hiddleston's Loki

SuperHeroKing | 檢舉 | 編輯 | 檢查 | | |
發表於 : 2023-11-26 05:16
Funko just revealed the latest Loki Pop! figure and it surprisingly makes history for Tom Hiddleston"s MCU character. 
Loki has been an MCU mainstay since 2011"s Thor, yet his involvement in the franchise is just as critical today as it was when he was introduced more than a decade ago. 
12 years later, the God of Mischief is currently starring in the second season of his own Disney+ show titled Loki, and fans are loving it. 
Tom Hiddleston"s Loki Joins Exclusive Funko Club   FunkoAhead of the Season 2 finale for Loki on Disney+, Funko revealed a new Loki Pop! to add to the MCU collection, and it"s a pretty big deal. 
Given the official title of "Mega Pop!," the new Loki Funko figure will stand 18 inches tall, meaning the Tom Hiddleston-inspired Marvel figure will tower over most other Pops! by more than a foot in height. 
FunkoFunko only awards the Mega Pop! treatment to a select few characters - top-tier fan favorites. Loki will join an exclusive club of only five other members of Pop! culture that have made the Mega-sized cut: Pikachu, Harry Potter, Batman (twice), Iron Man, and Groot. 
What makes this especially historic, though, is that Loki will be the first villain ever (Marvel or not) to be immortalized as a special edition, 18-inch Mega Pop!. 
Loki Funko Figure Has a Historic Purpose It"s not often that Funko sees a character worthy of becoming a Mega Pop!, but "worthy" is the perfect word to use when thinking of Loki. 
Tom Hiddleston"s Loki has been a staple in the MCU for more than a decade now, outlasting even the greatest of Marvel mainstays like Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans. If any MCU character symbolized the franchise as a whole today, Loki would at least make the Top 5 list. 
Loki has evolved across multiple mediums, through years of work and a dozen projects, and fans are still hoping to see him in another Avengers movie. 
MCU fans have invested in Loki for a long time; the new Mega-sized Loki Pop! is a perfect way to represent that.
Loki"s first two seasons are now streaming on Disney+.


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