AsianNewsCast   [頻道分析]
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Authorities in the southern city of Shenzhen shut down an art exhibit that described young people in. . .
Border guards have stopped an outspoken former Tsinghua University professor from entering Hong Kong. . .
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio introduced a bill Thursday that seeks to strengthen American air bases in t. . .
China fell four places on a global press freedom index released on Wednesday, joining fellow Asian C. . .
The long-term goal of the AUKUS security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United S. . .
Concerns are growing over the fate of Laos-based Chinese free-speech activist Qiao Xinxin, whose ass. . .
In brief In the face of criticism that China’s government was overreacting by launching a criminal i. . .
China came under harsh criticism for new restrictions on religious freedom in the U.S. State Departm. . .
A Chinese court on Monday handed down a life sentence to a 78-year-old American citizen who headed a. . .
China should stop its “unacceptable” harassment of Philippine vessels in the South China Sea, a seni. . .
The Australian military has conducted “top-secret war-gaming exercises,” with such scenarios as Chin. . .
China"s ruling Communist Party has granted itself more powers under an amended espionage law, ex. . .
Raising her fist in the air, Zumretay Arkin shouted into a microphone on a quiet side street in Muni. . .
Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on Monday called for "furthering" friendship with Paraguay aft. . .
Mining is one of the top drivers of deforestation globally, with up to one-third of the world’s fore. . .
Daniel Suidani, an outspoken critic of the Solomon Islands’ closer ties with China, was ousted as pr. . .
Thousands of human trafficking victims from all over Asia – and as far away as Africa – are trapped . . .
The death of a Uyghur detainee held in a refugee detention center in Thailand has intensified calls . . .
Donning ever-fancier clothing at each new public appearance, 10-year-old Kim Ju Ae is starting to be. . .
The images on the 38-second video show only a knocked-over traffic cone, a parked car and some concr. . .

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