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Quick Links Ancient Ruins Narkis Desert Cere's Base Pilgrims Path Pilgrims Sanctuary . . .
Star Wars is intentionally leaving a major event from The Mandalorian vague in terms of its place on. . .
Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures FCBD 2023 Star Wa. . .
It seems Lucasfilm might have dodged a bullet with Damon Lindelof's recent Star Wars exit. Origi. . .
The romance between Cal and Merrin in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor succeeds in a major way where the Sta. . .
Despite being equally as strong in the Force, one innately Sith ability that Jedi in the Star Wars f. . .
Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: Visions season 2.Star Wars: Visions season 2 . . .
Once players have beaten Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the fun doesn't have to end there, as the gam. . .
The Star Wars prequels could’ve looked a lot different and perhaps been improved if George Luc. . .
In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Cal Kestis makes a return as a Jedi who is much more powerful and skill. . .
Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures season 1, episode 1.Sta. . .
The controversial Holdo Maneuver in Star Wars: The Last Jedi was not the first instance of hyperspac. . .
The Star Wars saga is defined by the theme of hope, most often through the characters associated wit. . .
The ending of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor neatly wraps up the game's main narrative, but it does le. . .
The recent Star Wars timeline finally allows viewers to figure out the nature of the SIth's 1,00. . .
Star Wars' lightsaber is the traditional weapon of the Jedi and the Sith, and there are seven di. . .
Star Wars: The Clone Wars' was frustratingly aired out of chronological order, so its episode li. . .
James Mangold’s Dawn of the Jedi movie will reveal the origins of the Jedi, allowing Star Wars. . .
At the beginning of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor the protagonist of the game, Cal Kestis, has an opening. . .
Numerous areas and planets are available for players to explore in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, which m. . .

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